Bleaching is. a chemical process used to eliminate unwanted coloring matter from fibers, yarns or cloth. 漂白是一个化学处理过程,用来除去纤维、纱线或织物上不希望得到的颜色。
Extraction of Perfume Coloring Matter of Navel Orange and Study of Their Spectra; 研究了响应曲面法优化醇法提取赣南脐橙皮中黄酮类化合物的工艺。
Dry coloring matter ( especially an insoluble powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint etc). 干的着色物质(尤指不溶于水的粉末,可与液体混合制成漆等)。
Removal of coloring matter from hydrolytic nitrification liquor of bone glue by macroporous absorbant resin ( MAR) is studied during hydroxyproline ( Hyp) processing. 研究了骨胶制备羟脯氨酸工艺中大孔吸附树脂对骨胶水解硝化液的脱色处理。
Determination of Four Edible Synthesized Coloring Matter and Sudan Dyes in Meat Products by Performance Liquid Chromatography; Solid-phase Extraction and HPLC Determination of Six Sudan Reds and Para Red in Pepper Oil 肉制品中合成着色剂和苏丹红染料的改进HPLC法测定固相萃取高效液相色谱法测定辣椒油中苏丹红和对位红染料
Main detected the egg's moisture, salt content, viscosimet, and vitelline oiliness, vitelline exponential, vitelline coloring matter grade and so on. 主要检测了用腌制液浸泡法生产咸蛋时,蛋内的水分、食盐含量、黏度,以及蛋黄含油量、蛋黄指数、蛋黄色素等级等。
In this report, the mineral compositions of the clay are investigated The technological conditions are given in production of clay's being coloring matter, and the coloring mechanism is inquired. 本文对讷河老莱黄粘土的矿物组成进行了研究,给出了作为色料在陶瓷锦砖生产中的工艺条件,并对其着色机理进行了探讨。
A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting. 绘画用的调和颜料的液体;艺术创作所使用的材料。
European biennial formerly grown for the blue coloring matter yielded by its leaves. 欧洲两年生植物,原来用于提取染料的蓝色物质。
It was studied that the magnetic resins could adsorb Ca~ ( 2+) and Mg~ ( 2+) and coloring matter of diluted sugar solution by certain intensified magnetic field. 通过外加磁场对磁性树脂脱除食品稀糖液中Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)和色素的效果进行了研究。
Color of White Sugar and Coloring Matter ( 1) 白糖的色泽与色素的问题(一)
The coloring matter are separated by YWG-C18, the best wave is found by DAD detecter, the quantitative method is standard curve, the result is accurately, the method are used simply. 采用YWG-C18柱分离合成色素,用二阶阵列管检测器寻找最佳波长,标准曲线法定量,结果准确,方法使用简便。
A Study on the property of Coloring Matter in Bamboo Leaf 竹叶色素性质的研究
A graph G is called k-choosable if for given lists of k colors to each vertex of G there is a vertex coloring of G such that each vertex receives a color from its own list no matter what the lists are. 我们给G每个顶点一个长为k的任意表,如果存在一个顶点着色,使得每个顶点都可从表中得到一种颜色,则称G为k可选色的。
Extraction and Token of Natural Red Coloring Matter in Salvia splendens 一串红天然红色素的提取与表征
Analyses of Cell Coloring Matter and Degradation Products of Anthraquinone Dye Decolorization Bacteria XL-1 Using Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy 蒽醌染料降解菌XL-1活细胞色素及降解产物的紫外可见光谱分析
Study on the Extraction of Natural Food Coloring Matter from walnut outer peel and Its Physical-Chemical Properties 核桃外皮天然食用色素的提取与理化性质
Serials of useful materials was extracted from citrus oil, they are essential oil, coloring matter, hesperidin, pectin and cellulose powder. 对柑桔皮进行了综合利用,通过对桔皮的有效成份的提取,先后得到香精油、类胡萝卜色素、陈皮甙、果胶和纤维素粉等五种主要成分。
In this paper, extract perfume and perfume coloring matter mixture from drying navel orange rind with distillation and leaching respectively. 本文分别用水蒸气蒸馏法和溶剂浸出法从干脐橙皮中提取脐橙香料及脐橙色素与香料的混合物。
Process for Producing Caramel Coloring Matter by use of Sucrose Waste Molasses in the 明胶存在下利用废蜜生产焦糖色素的温和工艺
This product is a safe and excellent natural preservative. Its economic value is higher than monascus red coloring matter. 该产品是一种安全、性能优良的天然防腐剂,经济价值高于红曲红色素。红色(英文)
The features of new type polyester material PTT used in spinning industry, and affects of coloring matter, dyeing temperature, pH value and dyeing time on the PTT fiber dyeing effect are described. The process conditions for PTT fiber dyeing are determined preliminarily. 介绍了新型聚酯材料PTT作为纺织用纤的特性,以及染料、染色温度、染浴pH值及染色时间对PTT纤维染色效果的影响,初步确定了PTT纤维染色的工艺条件。
The spectra of sunset yellow, tartrazine and ponceau 4R were analyzed by ANN-BP algorithm, and the computation and analyzing method of simultaneously determinating three kinds of coloring matter was proposed. 用BP人工神经网络解析了日落黄、柠檬黄和胭脂红的吸收光谱,提出同时测定这三种色素的计算分析方法;
Analysis on Edible Coloring Matter and its Safety 食用色素及其安全性分析
Durene is an important chemical material. Durene may be used as material in medicine, matting agent of coating, coloring matter, agricultural chemical pesticide and surfactant. 均四甲苯是重要的精细化工原料,可作为医药、粉末涂料消光剂、染料、农药、表面活性剂等的重要原料。
Molasses alcohol wastewater is a high-concentration organic wastewater with many components, which is very difficult to treat, especially the removal of coloring matter 's. As an environmental mineral material, pyrolusite has been received abroad attention on dye decolorization. 糖蜜酒精废液是一种高浓度有机废水,成分非常复杂,处理难度大,特别是色素的去除。软锰矿作为一种环境矿物材料,近年来得到了广泛关注,在染料脱色方面已有研究。